Prominences, 21. April 2006. Coronado P.S.T, ToUcam Pro II.
(Upper) Sun in h-alpha, 09. April 2006. Coronado P.S.T, Canon 20D. Afocal.
(Upper) Sun in h-alpha, 28. October 2005. Coronado P.S.T, Canon 20D. Despite low declination, the picture turned out ok.
(Lower) Prominence, using ToUcam Pro II.
Sunspots #0798 on 21.August 2005. 80mm ED f/7.5, ToUcam II Pro. 20 images stacked with Registax.
The sun on 19.June 2004. Several large sunspots are visible.
The image of the sun projected through the keyhole, onto the white side of a freezer. Too bad no sunspot
were visible this time. The phenomenon has occured once before, two large sunspots were then visible.
Sunspot on 22.May 2004
Animation of a particulary great group of sunspots, AR 9393, during 6 days
from 23 to 28. March 2001. Handdrawings with a 60mm refractor.